Banana Health Benefits


Banana has several benefits we all know and understand of its power in health, but not many people realize that it can be applied in herbal medicine for serious conditions. So here is a list of different benefits.


Gut Health


Healthier gut health is connected to many different diet changes. In fact, if your gut health is not ok, you can have a huge impact on the rest of your health. The good news is bananas are one of the most popular and healthy food sources of fiber.


Bananas are rich in fibrous fibers that get carried to the colon through intestinal fluid. Fibrous fibers promote flushing out of stool, which is part of the natural biological process. More fiber improves good gut health overall.


Brain Health


Bananas are rich in flavonoids, and the good brains and insomniacs benefit greatly from this beneficial antioxidant. Plus bananas can contain phytonutrients that protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease. They have also been shown to prevent some mental illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome and sleep disorders like restless leg syndrome. The good news is, bananas are full of nutrients such as:


Vitamin C (70%)


Vitamin B12 (25%)


Lentil Plant Growth Factor (100%)


Water carrying nutrients helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.


Heart Health


Bananas are one of the best foods for heart health as its antibacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-hypertension effects are life-saving.


Besides, bananas contain anti-inflammatory properties that promote healthier heart function and eliminate fluid. Added fiber, vitamins and polyphenols have been proven to benefit heart health and prevent atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of fats in the arteries. It is linked to heart disease as of today.


Moderate to Active Life


Bananas are fiber rich and contain high fiber content. Larger trees growing in humid conditions (yams) and have lower fat content compared to palms that thrive in dry conditions. Therefore, a banana can store approximately 27.5 percent more water when compared to a pound of roots. This results in better hydration and relaxed feeling.


On the plus side, bananas have a rich fat content, which can provide you with the energy you need to train for something like gym classes. They do more than just boost our cardio, they also give us energy to persevere during exercise, which can be considered a plus since we are mostly sedentary. This type of food is truly delicious, nutritious and definitely healthy. For those of you who crave bananas and also have the energy to exercise, place a banana on your training day or perhaps at a heart rate test (heart rate, while in a workout class), you would see its effects very quickly. Once you set your heart rate level, two to four bananas a day can help boost your heart rate naturally and increase overall efficiency.


Bananas have many benefits including:




Bananas are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that are considered the super food status in herbal medicine. They contain rich blood sugar dissipation and can lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. They also contain high fiber content, which helps to support your overall digestive system. Some studies even claim these fats and the fibrous fibers in their skin promote bad gut health.


This means bananas can actually be good for bacteria as well. In fact, many celebrities and influencers are known to promote the benefits of eating bananas as a dietary therapy. Given that bananas contain phytonutrients, phytonutrients can also lower heart disease and cardiovascular disease.


Bananas can also reduce inflammation that could cause kidney problems and contribute to a bad blood cell mass.


Bananas help to reduce high blood pressure levels, improve overall exercise endurance, reduce diabetes and put your brain into a good condition. Many of you have seen the memes and funny videos on social media that claim there are 10-100 bananas in a banana, how many bananas is truly good to eat? We know it will get us through our day, which is a positive thing.


Food has also been proven that red wine is a better food for heart health than dark chocolate. When compared to wine, teas contain more phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and overall, a tastier wine is said to have a greater benefit than a sugary diet. I’ve also heard of people eating 20 tbsp of natural fruits and vegetables every day for a perfect healthy life. If you do that, you can eat bananas and their five good effects. Don’t eat it in a way that will affect your health, but as long as you are following your schedule, as long as you are cooking a high fiber diet and moving enough, you should get some nutrients from bananas.


Bananas are also rich in vitamin C, which makes them a really healthy food source. Eating antioxidants is an amazing thing that can improve cognition.